a digital detox challenge
A Digital Detox Challenge

phones down ▾ heads up

"Life is what happens when we
put our phones down and lift our heads up.”

Dakota Medical Foundation

Why it matters

One study suggested that teens who use screens for more than five hours per day were 20% MORE LIKELY to have SUICIDAL IDEATION compared to those who used screens for less than one hour per day.
In general, it's recommended that adults and teens limit their screen time to TWO HOURS OR LESS each day. For children and toddlers, the recommendation is LESS THAN AN HOUR A DAY
Researchers have found that even one week of social media abstinence leads to IMPROVED WELL-BEING, as well as reduced depression and anxiety.1

Challenge Rules

RULE #1 Eliminate social media for a week or abstain from using your phone for a day.

Choose a digital detox that works for you.

RULE #2 Choose 3 activities from the list below and commit to doing them for a week or a day

Choose a timeframe that works for you.

RULE #3 Complete the challenge and take notes about how you feel

Recognize the symptoms of your improved wellbeing. OPTIONAL: report back to us about your experience using the form below!

Phones Down Activities

Support in-person friendships & community events

Lunch and dinner gatherings • coffee dates • festivals • community theater • farmer's markets +

Try a new hobby or craft

Scrapbooking • gardening • baking • pottery • geocaching • woodworking +

Exercise and move your body

Walk • swim • bike • play a sport • archery • rock-climbing +

Have game or puzzle nights

Play board games • cards • yard games
Prepare a puzzle table and gradually put the pieces of the puzzle together


Invest time in • reading scripture • prayer books • printed devotions • simple, quiet reflection • to increase your calm and hope


Manage your stress • increase self-awareness • focus on the present • reduce negative emotions • increase imagination and creativity • strengthen patience and tolerance

Care for pets

Take them for a walk • play with them in the yard • groom them • clean their resting and living areas

Spend time with children

Children enjoy attention, especially from safe and caring adults • Read a book to or with them • play a game • teach them a skill

Be in nature

Walk outside • sit in a park or on a beach • swim in a lake • have a picnic lunch • hike • look at the stars +

Make music & play an instrument

Improve your brain function and connectivity • increase your memory function • improve your concentration and listening skills • develop your coordination and fine motor skills • boost your self-esteem

Order in person

Talk to the coffee barista or storekeeper instead of ordering with the App

Read a hard-print book

Turn the pages, mark the words, highlight passages • spend time in a library with traditional books and periodicals


Improve physical and mental health • develop a sense of purpose • learn valuable skills • nurture new and existing relationships.

Write thank you notes

Share your gratitude.
Grateful people are happy people, and there is always something to be thankful for!

Work on your to-do list

Clean out your closet • tidy up a room • re-stock your pantry • organize your drawers +


Let your body and mind rest from the • endless scroll • comparison • FOMO • negativity • frequent notifications • interruptions • distractions

Report back to us!

We’d appreciate hearing about your Phones Down ▾ Heads Up Challenge experience!
If you’d like to share, complete the form below!

Phones Down ▾ Heads Up Challenge Report

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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