Dakota Medical Foundation

Riley Boese
Member Spotlight: Amanda Thomas

This month, we’re getting to know Amanda Thomas, DMF Board Chair. Read on to learn more about Amanda and how she is helping to make ours the most generous, healthy region possible.
- Occupation: Stay-at-home Mom, Homeschool Teacher, and Part-Time Architect
- Hometown: Walker, MN
- Education: Architecture Degree from NDSU
- DMF Role(s): Board Chair and Chair of the Center for Excellence
- Hobbies: Reading, Hiking, Cross Country Skiing, Spending time with my family
- Favorite Food: Tacos of any kind
- Coffee Order: Dark roast, black
- Favorite Travel Spot: Anna Maria Island, FL
- Words to Live By: The Serenity Prayer
How did you get involved with DMF?
I first became involved through a grant from DMF to a service organization I was involved with, raising funds for local charities supporting women and children. I then served on a committee with DMF which led to joining the Board.
What part of DMF’s vision/mission resonates the most with you?
I most connect with DMF’s mission to invest in bold ideas to improve our community. Thinking outside the box and generating ideas to solve complex problems is how we will challenge our community to implement new approaches to healthy living.
What does the healthiest, most generous region in the world look like to you?
A region that reaches every individual no matter the economic, cultural, or ethnic differences to have access to healthy living for body, mind, and spirit.
Who is your role model and why?
I am inspired by teachers of all kinds as they are courageous, selfless, and dedicated to inspiring their students to live their best life.
How would you advise people to dream more boldly in their day-to-day lives?
I think that we can dream more boldly by listening to others and what is going on in the world around us. Being present with others and understanding their needs and then courageously asking questions is how we will grow bold ideas.